Dummy Adrien Brody learned ventriloquism for this movie. I liked this movie; it had a nice story. But I wanted to keep shouting, "put down the Dummy! It's kind of creepy!"
Gone Baby Gone First Mystic River, then The Departed, now this. Why is Working-Class Boston so profoundly depressing, violent and poetically unjust? And the accents! But really, I liked this one. It's a bit of a thinker.
Half Nelson Very well-acted film although heartbreaking and bleak. Also, an effective piece of anti-drug propaganda.
Baby Count
Lauren & Nate: It's a boy! Welcome, Alastair! 10/9
Eva (colleague): It's a boy! Wilkommen, Timothy! 11/5
Greg & Sofia: It's a boy! Bienvenidos, Matias! 11/10
Lorraine (colleague) and Jeff: It's a boy! Welcome, Lincoln! 11/13
Alisa & Tobias: It's a boy! Welcome/Välkommen, Benjamin! 11/25
Kristin & Chris: It's a boy! Welcome, Dylan! 12/18
Sam & Vanessa: Due January
Chris & Emily: Due 2/24
Kathrine & Tom: Due 5/7
Favorite Photos
Click to see all my favorites for each country:
Argentina Chile
Bolivia Peru
Ecuador Panama
Costa Rica Nicaragua
Honduras Guatemala
Chiapas Belize
Recommended Reading
Francisco Goldman: The Long Night of White Chickens (novel-Guatemala)
Matthew Parris: Inca-Kola: A Traveler´s Tale of Peru (non-fiction)
Sara Wheeler: Travels in a Thin Country: A Journey Through Chile (non-fiction)
Mario Vargas Llosa: Death in the Andes (novel-Peru)
Isabel Allende: House of the Spirits (novel-Chile)
Clem Lindenmayer and Nick Tapp: Lonely Planet: Trekking in the Patagonian Andes (Guide Book-Argentina & Chile)
Charles Darwin: The Voyage of the Beagle (non-fiction, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Ecuador)
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