Friday, September 16, 2005

Distant Wanderings News Flash!

Hello faithful readers (as you would have to be faithful to still be checking in after nearly a month's hiatus). Well, it's been a month since I arrived home from South America. I have had a great time at two weddings, visited my family in Pennsylvania and made a day trip to New York to visit Alison and the bump on her belly which is now SIX days overdue. However, I am not ready to work again,'s time for more Wandering!

What is the plan? Well, I'm flying to San Jose, Costa Rica on Monday (yes, that's right, this coming Monday!) and will meander my way around Central America for a couple of months. The plan is so totally unformed as to be basically non-existent at this point, so you'll just have to stay tuned to Distant Wanderings to find out what I am up to.

Anyway, you can check out my photos to see what I've been doing with myself over the past few weeks. Here's's a sideways look at my new passport photos. I can't believe how blond I look. Will I have to get highlights for the next 10 years to avoid airport interrogations? And below that, take a look at my favorite photo from my trip to Jolly Old England.

Passport photos

My Favorite Sign